Ra Staff Crop

一次独一无二的经历. 成为资本RA!



居民助理 (RAs) are advisors and role models that serve as an important liaison between students and the University. Serving as an RA provides students numerous opportunities for personal and professional development as well as substantial leadership experience. RAs contribute to students’ experiences by:

  • Establishing a positive community in their assigned residential area
  • Assisting with personal and academic questions and concerns
  • Implementing social and educational programs and services
  • Maintaining a healthy and safe environment for all students

The application for the 2024-2025 academic year is now open! The application closes January 28, 2024. Read below about the selection process.

  1. Complete the application linked below. You will need to complete a few essay questions, 一份简历, and submit the contact information of one 威尼斯人平台 reference to complete a feedback form on your behalf (this can be a Resident Assistant, 员工/教员, 教练, 勤工俭学主管, 等.). The application is due January 28, 2024.
  2. 申请截止日期后, ORCL staff will review applications and select candidates to advance in the process to individual interviews. 2级以下的学生.75 cumulative GPA or have significant documentations through Student Conduct may not be selected to advance.
  3. 基于它们的应用, candidates will be selected to participate in Group Process where they will complete group activities with other candidates to showcase their communication, 团队合作, 冲突管理技能. Group Process will take place February 5-16.
  4. Following Group Process, candidates will be selected to complete a final interview. Interviews will take place February 19 through March 1.
  5. All candidates will be notified of their statuses no later than 2024年3月11日.

了解更多 & 应用


你还活着吗?? 住宅 & 通勤生活

To put it simply, there’s just nothing like it. Of all the leadership or employment opportunities you can explore as an undergraduate student, the RA position stands out as one of the most enriching, 具有挑战性的, and unique experiences you could have. The life of any RA can look drastically different from day to day. One day you might be planning and hosting an event and the next you might be managing an emergency in your community. You will be str等hed and tested, but you will have a supportive team and supervisor to help you capitalize on your strengths and grow more confident in areas you find 具有挑战性的. 

You will also be doing a momentous service to your fellow students. RAs contribute to the 资本 community in the following ways and more! 


RAs build communities of belonging. Our staff strives for each of our residential communities to be safe and welcoming environments for every student. We believe that the unique and intersectional identities of each community member and the respect for those identities is essential for a strong and vibrant living environment.


RAs help students find their fit. Through targeted and individual outreach (such as CapChats) RAs get to know each resident on a deeper level and connect them to others in the campus community who share similar passions, 利益, 和目标.


RAs act as a resource for and referral to the information and individuals students need. We train our staff to be knowledgeable sources of information that students can rely on to help them succeed. 


RAs educate the community on healthy, safe, and responsible living. RAs take part in proactive educational initiatives aimed toward developing an engaged citizenry that focuses on the well-being of both the individual and collective.


助教是为学生服务的. RAs receive extensive training in conflict, crisis, and conduct response. RAs mediate and resolve peer conflict, 激活支持系统, and address violations of community standards. As part of the ResLife 24/7 on-call network, RAs take part in a three-tier duty rotation which supports the campus community twenty-four hours a day, 一年365天.

For serving as an RA, each student receives the following compensation package:

  • 4350美元*学分 to be applied to the student account which covers, 全额, the housing costs of RAs for each semester of employment (any overage after will be applied toward the RA’s meal plans). This amount may change slightly for the 2024-2025 Academic Year. 
  • 750美元的津贴 paid in three increments of $250 at the beginning, middle, and end of the academic year.
  • s区停车证 guarantee for RAs wishing to purchase one 
  • Eligibility for early registration on their academic class's first day of registration each semester